How would this help your starchild? Especially supportive when gifting this during the key birthdays, or to provide a meaningful rite of passage as your child enters into certain cycles of their childhood and into young adulthood
They are reminded through their own portrait to stay true to their inner star to their core being (helpful for healing issues like peer pressure or outside influential narratives)
Its emitting the frequency of their original divine blueprint and thus can be used as a subconscious reminder of how special they really are (helpful for healing if your child has experienced trauma, bullying or loss)
Their portrait also reflects the spark or frequency of their own limitless potential for their future which is a tremendous source of inspiration as they evolve
It is not painted ultra realistic so any blemishes or imperfections are not highlighted, sothat they easily see the divine within themselves as well as resonate with their body which helps ground them into who they really are, feel safe and inspire their soul to reach for their dreams.
Each starchild portrait is completely unique and cannot be replicated again.
How does it work?
An online consultation with you (parent, grandparent and or family member) and if possible a short connection with your starchild
I will take my time to weave their source code, or other light codes important for your child at this time in their souls journey into a beautiful painting
I include step by step engagement during the creative process, taking into consideration your comments, to ensure the perfect end result(via whatsapp) I will need photographs to work from as reference which will be deleted after the completion
According to their age I am shown the symbols, animals, objects to include in a very clear individual way that is specifically needed in that moment tailored exactly for your starchild
As a guide and following ancient traditions a portrait can be given for each of the following key birthdays ages 7,10,13,16,18 and 21
For star children under 7 it can be given as a magic painting which helps them feel safe, sparks their curiosity and inspiration
Time 4 to 6 weeks from the consultation plus postage time.
How to use this encoded portrait with your child
Under 7 Given on a special day in special way, place the painting in their room together, arrange a small place where your child can sit comfortably near to it perhaps to read or play, where your childs gaze will fall on the portrait often. Place along with the painting other treasures around it like feathers, rocks or crystals things that your child might have collected. Some children will already understand the concept of an altar
Take opportunities to sit quietly perhaps after reading a book, and talk with your child about their portrait, its a golden gateway to opening their inherent wisdom helping them feel safe to share deep moments with you
7 and up Given on a special day in a special way (as ceremonially as you can) help your child choose a place in their room where other small treasures might be arranged together and create a small altar. Much like a crystal this portrait holds its frequency when treated like a sacred object. Make sure its in a their safe place where they can gaze at their own portrait often.
Starchildren can have as many different portraits as you feel they need to support them discovering who they are and what their souls mission is on their journey into adulthood