Personal Source Key Code

from £144.00

This is art as a healing modality, the frequency of it affects the body's cells on a cellar level in a positive way, it essentially makes you feel positive and inspired.

How does that work? Using symbols including sacred geometry and codes that emit a frequency (light language and sigels) which are painted with intention, layer by layer, for a specific individual. This creates art work that can hold and emit a healing frequency(like a crystal) The frequency is embedded through the layers of paint and work together with the exquisite beauty of the work.

We all have a perfect divine soul pattern or code similar to golden sacred geometry that is perfect and ours eternally, sometimes through the difficulties of life we forget, or we fall out of balance.

Through our online session, I feel and see your unique code in my minds eye as your souls frequency deep within you. I read it as swirling sacred geometric patterns and receive it, transmitting your key code into a spirit painting, that you can use as a very powerful tool on your spiritual journey back into full remembrance.

This is a completely unique and personalised source code for your soul, only you. Use it everyday in your home, or on your skin as a tattoo.

Your Source Key code will hold and transmit your original perfect divine frequency as a daily reminder for your mind, body and soul.

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It is one of a kind, completely unique to your soul. Gaze softly with intention into your source code to unlock your star map home to wholeness, back into the incredible radiant soul that is you. Fully and completely fitted to your soul, to awaken the codes in your DNA it emits the frequency of your original divine blueprint for this exact now moment, to assist you in remembering your souls mission.

Other words to describe this code are: Source code, Eternal spark, Soul essence.

Use it in your

  • Healing process

  • Visual meditations

  • Personal activations

  • Crystal/ energy grids

Use as a

  • Power talisman

  • Tattoo design (special transfer print available in basket section)

What is included?

* Private connection and empowering session (1.5 hour) with me online

* Guided meditation together

* Enjoy watching your exquisite souls frequency drawn LIVE

4 weeks from the consultation plus postage time, later ….you recieve the following carefully packaged and posted

* Your sketch turned into an A3 size Spirit Painting (including gold or silver gilding)

*Original pencil sketch, suitable to use as a design or for your sacred tattoo

*Remembrance card, hand written with your guidance and what came through for you

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Spirit Animal Source Code
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